OSM Netiquette
This netiquette guide applies to any content posted by a web user on all social media used by the Orchestre symphonique de Montréal, in any form whatsoever that such input takes (post, comment, article, image, audio or video clip, etc.). To engage or exchange with us on our social media, you can tag us at @osmconcerts or use the hashtag #osmconcerts.

We encourage civil and respectful sharing of ideas, queries and discussion on our social media. All comments will be treated with respect and consideration. Nevertheless, we reserve the right to remove, without notice, all:
- messages with content that is defamatory, discriminatory, hateful, racist, xenophobic, sexist, homophobic or obscene;
- messages with content that is threatening, abusive or deceitful;
- messages with content that is commercial or promotional, including comments that advertise or promote products, services, or cultural activities unrelated to OSM activities;
- open letters, petitions, partisan messages, or calls to action;
- messages that promote websites, Facebook groups/pages, or other social media accounts;
- messages that are unintelligible, incoherent or off-topic;
- messages in all caps or messages posted several times;
- messages whose content infringes copyright, including text, photos, sound recordings or videos posted or shared without the consent of the author(s);
- messages with content that incites the commission of criminal or illegal acts;
- comments that target a person employed by the OSM.
Owing to comment spam attacks received in the past that encouraged people to visit hackers’ sites selling fake tickets or providing fake links to webcasts, the OSM has blocked by default all comments on its Facebook page containing URLs.
The OSM also wishes to warn internet users against fraudulent events circulating on Facebook that use the OSM’s image. Be sure to check the Facebook event organizer’s name, which must be “Orchestre symphonique de Montréal – OSM.”
For everyone’s benefit, we reserve the right, at any time and without prior notice, to delete a comment or block any user who violates our netiquette.
Answers to questions and comments
The OSM is committed to answering questions it receives on its social media accounts within a reasonable delay, during its office hours. Response times may vary depending on the topic, the comment’s complexity, or the time of day at which the comment was posted. Replies to questions and comments are valid on the date they are posted. A user may not re-use a message previously posted by the OSM to answer a current question or justify their point of view.
It is not always possible for us to update or monitor our social media accounts in real time. Social media platforms are owned by third parties and may encounter technical difficulties for which we cannot be held responsible.
The OSM gives preference to the use of inclusive language and seeks to avoid any discrimination in its textual content. Adjustments to content already online are made gradually, with priority given to newer posts. We thank you for your understanding.
In a spirit of continuous improvement and adaptation of its methods, and as social media usage changes and evolves, the OSM reserves the right to modify its netiquette at any time without notice.