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An out-of-the-ordinary instrument

With its often-monumental dimensions and characteristic sounds, the organ possesses a fascinating personality. Every organ is striking and unique, becoming the visual signature of the venue in which it is located. At the Maison symphonique, the Grand Orgue Pierre-Béique occupies a prominent place, its sounds magnified by the hall’s exceptional acoustics.

The Grand Orgue Pierre-Béique in numbers

  • The Organ is equipped with 109 registers83 stops116 ranks and 6,489 pipes
  • 5 albums have been recorded with the Organ
  • 10 new works for organ and orchestra or solo organ have been either commissioned by the OSM or premiered on the Organ
  • 285 tours of the Grand Orgue Pierre-Béique have been given since 2014 by OSM organist-in-residence Jean-Willy Kunz. These one-hour tours enable the public to discover this instrument’s interior and hear the organ from up close.
  • The Organ has been heard in more than 200 concerts since its inauguration

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